| 1. | Staff deployment situation at the control points during the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome 严重急性呼吸系统综合症爆发期间各管制站的人手调配情况。 |
| 2. | Corporations are advised to devise their own contingency plans , including staff deployment , infection control measures , for influenza pandemic 各公司应自行为流感大流行制定其应变计划,包括员工调配感染控制措施等。 |
| 3. | Corporations are advised to devise their own contingency plans , including staff deployment , infection control measures , etc . for influenza pandemic 公司应自行为流感大流行制定其应变计划,包括员工调配感染控制措施等。 |
| 4. | She handles general administration and management of the department including personnel and financial management , staff deployment , technical services and information technology system management 她也处理本部门一般行政和管理事务,其中包括人事管理员工调动及资讯科技系统管理事宜。 |
| 5. | She handles general administration and management of the department including personnel and financial management , staff deployment , technical services and information technology system management 她也处理本部门一般行政和管理事务,其中包括人事管理、员工调动及资讯科技系统管理事宜。 |
| 6. | He also assists the deputy director ( 1 ) in identifying controversial issues and recommending appropriate public relations action ; coordinating public relations efforts which involve different bureauxdepartments ; advising on pr and publicity matters in relation to major government policies ; and providing professional advice to and overseeing staff deployment in secretariat press offices and departmental information units concerned 谢先生亦协助副处长( 1 )留意具争议性的课题并建议适当的公关活动;统筹涉及多个决策局部门的公关活动;就政府重要政策的公关及宣传事务提出建议;以及为各驻部门小组提供专业意见并负责其人事调动。 |
| 7. | The panels noted that apart from increased flexibility in staff deployment and extended scope for staff s career development , the merger proposal would bring about improvement in the delivery of leisure services , development of a multi - skilled workforce for facility management and sports programming , as well as enhanced efficiency and productivity gain 两个事务委员会察悉,合并建议除可增加调派人手方面的灵活性,扩阔员工的职业前途发展,同时改善为市民提供的康乐服务、建立一支多技能的工作队伍负责管理设施和筹办体育活动,亦能提高效率和生产力。 |
| 8. | As regards measures to be put in place to avoid possible problems arising from co - locating offenders and non - offenders , as well as male and female residents , the meeting noted that the physical design of the complex had already taken account of the need for segregation . co - location would enable greater flexibility in staff deployment to meet the needs of different groups of residents 把违法者和非违法者以及男女院童重置于同一设施,可能会引起问题。与会者备悉,为作出预防,该所综合设施的建筑设计已顾及分隔院童的需要。这项重置计划使社署能够更灵活调配人手,以照顾不同类别院童的需要。 |
| 9. | The panels noted that apart from increased flexibility in staff deployment and extended scope for staff s career development , the merger proposal would bring about improvement in the delivery of leisure services , development of a multi - skilled workforce for facility management and sports programming , as well as enhanced efficiency and productivity gain 两个事务委员会察悉,合并建议除可增加调派人手方面的灵活性,扩阔员工的职业前途发展,同时改善为市民提供的康乐服务建立一支多技能的工作队伍负责管理设施和筹办体育活动,亦能提高效率和生产力。 |